THE CHAMPIONSHIP – Dance Casador! (2005 Bear Rifle Records) Milwaukee band, the Championship, have only been together since May of 2005, yet they managed to write, record and release Dance Casador! before the year was out.
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THE CHAMPIONSHIP – Dance Casador! (2005 Bear Rifle Records) Milwaukee band, the Championship, have only been together since May of 2005, yet they managed to write, record and release Dance Casador! before the year was out.
RITT DEITZ – After the Mountains (2006 Uvulittle Records) Ritt Deitz’s fourth release After the Mountains is a leisurely stroll through just about every sub-genre that falls under the collective umbrella of roots rock. Blues, folk,
LUCAS CATES – Contradictory (2006 PopBomb Records) Since he’s only in his mid-twenties, Lucas Cates missed the original Schoolhouse Rock! series in the 70s, and he was probably too old by the time additional lessons like
VARIOUS ARTISTS – 14 Songs in 28 Days: Songs Written in the Month of February, Vol. I (2006 FAWM) “What are you waiting for… inspiration?” asks the Burr Settles-produced compilation 14 Songs in 28 Days. The
THE BOX SOCIAL – Blown to Bits EP (2005 No Karma Recordings) If Local H had twice as many band members and half as much angst, then they would sound like the Box Social, which also
MARTY FINKEL – Sleeping with the Stars (2005 Self-Release) “I’ve got fifty songs with the same three chords / I’ve been murdering the same words every verse,” Marty Finkel confesses in the first line of “Do
DIETRICH GOSSER – City of Windows (2005 Self-Release) Percussionist Dan Kuemmel’s mother thinks his music is weird. She is right about that, but it’s weird in an utterly intriguing, strangely fascinating way, and Dietrich Gosser’s six-song
HELLER MASON – Minimalist & Anchored (2005 Self-Release) Even if Heller Mason’s EP Minimalist & Anchored was only as good as its song titles, it would already be pretty great. Titles like “After All is Said
CAPTAIN YONDER – Captain Yonder (2005 Self-Release) Dark threads of death and madness run deep in Captain Yonder’s third release. This is subject matter very familiar to listeners of the Handsome Family, whom they very closely
ART PAUL SCHLOSSER – Do You Want to Walk on Water? (2004 Self-Release) Long a familiar sight on State Street, Art Paul Schlosser, with his acoustic guitar, kazoo in its coat- hanger holder, and guitar case
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