There’s Bedbugs in My Cheese Curds! First, may we thank all the fans, new and old, for the incredible past weekend. It truly tested our livers at the level of New York Jets football players. It
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There’s Bedbugs in My Cheese Curds! First, may we thank all the fans, new and old, for the incredible past weekend. It truly tested our livers at the level of New York Jets football players. It
What the World Needs Now is Dove, Sweet Dove… dove (duv) n : A person who advocates peace and conciliation in rigorous opposition to armed conflict. Dove World Outreach Center : a bunch a dumb-asses out
I don’t know about you, but I think perhaps the world is off its axis a bit? It all seems to start with these 3 women: #1 Dr Laura: Lettin’ loose on her show dropping the
Yea…Errr…No? Alright, let’s play a little game called “Yea, errr No.” We’ll start with the important items first. Is Brett Favre coming back- Yea, errr No? Is he a dickhead-Yea, errr No? (I almost feel bad
“Leave Lyndsay Alone!!” Well, good thing Lyndsay Lohan is in jail and Roman Polanski and Bin Laden are free. That bad-ass no-good convict Martha Stewert has nothing on her, either. I hope when I go to
Boy, oh boy, the world just keeps gettin’ more and more strange, ya? John Stamos sleeping with teens; wacky-ass step-mom hopefully hiding a kid while trying to kill her husband while having an affair.- now that’s multi-tasking.
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