Open Letter From Jimmy to the Polar Vortex Dear Mr. or Mrs. Polar Vortex, Would you kindly remove your ungrateful butt from the premises, and tell your illegitimate cousin, Mr. or Mrs. Heat Wave to
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Open Letter From Jimmy to the Polar Vortex Dear Mr. or Mrs. Polar Vortex, Would you kindly remove your ungrateful butt from the premises, and tell your illegitimate cousin, Mr. or Mrs. Heat Wave to
The Miracle of Choking It is the miracle season isn’t it? Anyone watch football last week? Then you saw this…Seattle car dealership on the hook for $420,000 for shut out Oh ya….THE PACKERS PERFORMED A MIRACLE ON THE HUDSON!!
Happy Spring, Mr. Short Stuff Happy Spring everyone, it’s 10 degrees Fahrenheit with boat-load of snow and I’m puttin’ a hit out for “Puttin the Punk in Punxsutawney Phil” Who’s with me? Over grown rat.
We’re down to a couple of weeks of ridiculousness, hang in there folks. I mean missteps and misquotes are everywhere: “We knew this then”, “God intended that.” I’ve about had it. Think of all the money
WE’RE LOSING THE GOOD ONES Goodness we have been losing some wonderful ones lately: Phyllis Diller: “My mother-in-law had a pain beneath her left breast; turned out to be a trick knee.” Neil Armstrong: “One small
How does one bear the news? Almost too painful to speak of it. I never saw it coming. No, it’s not that Rick Perry says the weather is fine even though Texas is the biggest polluting
First, it must be said, our hearts go out to the people of Japan. We have many friends from that now devastated country, and watching the video footage is nearly unbelievable. If only Charlie Sheen had
New Meaning for Pony Express So here in Wisconsin we have a US Postal Mail Carrier who recently delivered mail in the NUDE. For those of you not aware of the weather here, it’s been as
Thank You -and – I seem to Have Additional Ass Pains Since Thanksgiving First, we the friends of Donna Linderman, would like to thank everyone who came to, or donated to the fundraiser. 1,000 people showed, and
Get Yer Mullet On This is going to be like a mullet, business in the front, party in the back. Business first: Upcoming Jimmys
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