Mascot Theory Release New Video

Recent News 23 Jun 2016

2014_the_mascot_theory_nashville2Mascot Theory Release New Video


The Mascot Theory, who just walked away with six Madison Area Music Association Awards including Artist of the Year, are releasing a video for their song “Over the Horizon,” which appears on their award-winning Esperanto album. The video was produced by John Urban of the John Urban Production Co. The band’s singer and chief songwriter Erik Kjelland  and Urban bonded at last year’s MAMA Awards and discussed making a video at that time. Filming took place at the historic Mineral Point Opera House.

The video will be officially released on Tuesdya, June 28th but the band has teamed up with 105.5 Triple M radio station to premier the video on their website on Monday, June 27.

The lyrics of “Over the Horizon” speak of love, hard work, and unending support. They were written on a red-eye flight back from a grueling Nashville recording session. Kjelland was feeling a sense of accomplishment but was also tired and was experiencing guilt for leaving his family time and time again in his pursuit to create music.  The video features a sound check from the band as well as story line involving Kjelland’s own family starring his wife Sara Kjelland and his three young children.


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About the author

Rick Tvedt

Rick is publisher of Local Sounds Magazine, formerly Rick's Cafe, Wisconsin's Regional Music Newspaper. He is also the Executive Director for MAMA, Inc., a non-profit organization that produces the Madison Area Music Awards and raises funds to promote youth music programs.

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