2015 Local Music Releases
As always, let us know of any additions.
132 releases counted so far.
Ancestra | Three Hearts, One Dream |
Andy Emmons | Andy Emmons EP |
Anthony Lamarr | Declaration |
Asumaya | The Euphemist |
Automatically Yours | The Trouble With the World is Me |
BaskET | Wash This |
Bassliss | Commodities EP |
Beautiful Friendship | Winter: A Joyful Peace |
Bell Monks | Big Bay |
Beth Kille Band | Stark Raving Songbird |
Brain Grimmer | Nefarious |
Bron Sage | Reap Some Debt |
Cactus Joe | Becca |
Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble | Waiting Game |
Caustic | Faux Caus |
Caustic | Industrial Remixes |
Chants | We Are All Underwater |
Cold Black River | Hillbilly Zeus |
CRASHprez | More Perfect |
Cribshitter | Acapulco |
Chris Plata | Migration Road |
Crown Embers | Misweave in the Weft |
Czarbles | Nausea Trois |
Devil to Drag | Devil to Drag EP |
Doctor Noise | Shadows |
Dogs of war | American Sense |
Dolores | Peach Fuzz |
Drive to the Ocean | Drive to the Ocean |
Dub Foundation | Dub Foundation Meets Captain Smooth |
Earthlings | Lings |
Elks Teeth and Rabbits Feet | Elks Teeth and Rabbits Feet EP |
Erik Kindstrom | Path of Least Resistance EP |
Erik Kindstrom | Winter Gardens |
Eric Schumann | Endings |
Everyone’s My Enemy | EME EP |
Fall II Rise | Demise of the Empire |
Gabe Burdulis | Youth City |
Gallant Ghosts | Wheels EP |
Gentle Brontosaurus | Names of Things and What They Do |
Getaway Drivers | Bellatopia |
Goochers | Fight Fight Fight EP |
Good Morning V | Good Morning V EP |
Graminy | Dance of the Plants |
Gran Fury | Titan |
Haliwell | Pandemic |
Harris Lemberg Trio | Live at Audio for the Arts |
Help Desk | Help Desk EP |
I Am Dragon | Triumphs, Doubt and Everything Between EP |
Ida Jo | Guardian of Being |
Jackie Bradley | Some Shade of Blue |
Jimmys | Hot Dish |
Joey Broyles | Experimental EP |
Kat Trio | Kaleidoscope |
Katie Burns | Weighted Balloon |
Kicksville | Happy Hour at the High Noon Saloon |
KIN | Somewhere Town |
Kingbloom | Almost an Album |
Kurtis D Welton | Life is a Dance EP |
Kyle Rightly | Human Oscillator Vol. 1 |
Lords of the Trident | Frostburn |
Lovely Socialite | Toxic Consonance |
Luke Arvid | Day of the Builder |
Madison Malone | Liminal |
MAHR | Her Manifesto |
Mark Hetzler | Blues, Ballads and Beyond |
Mark Linsenmayer | Songs from the Partially Examined Life |
Marty Finkel | $5 Cover |
Meghan Rose and the Bones | In Your Bones |
Mellow Harsher | Served Cold |
Midas Bison | Trios |
Mono in Stereo | Long for Yesterday |
Mori Mente | In There Somewhere |
Nate Bjork | Bridge Party: An Album Inspired By Under the Dome |
Nate Meng | The Gracious Captain Meets the Lady Stacey: a story in six parts |
Nester | Rainbow Dark |
Night Rod | Night Rock |
Not Dead Yet | Not Dead Yet |
Oddsoul | Growth |
Oedipus Tex Band | Silver Lion |
Oh My Love | Free Ways |
Ossuary | Cremation Ritual EP |
Pat and Brigid Doty | Dare to Entertain |
Paul Filipowicz | Rough Neck Blues |
Red Tape Diaries | Everything is Everything |
Ritt Dietz | small green blue letters |
Roan Linden | Commercial Investments |
Rocket Bureau | Low Times, High Anxiety |
Royal Station | Royal Station |
Sexy Ester | Sexy Ester |
Silent Man Standing | This Stolen Year |
Sinister Resonance | They Said… |
Sir! No Sir! | Scavenger |
Skizzwhores | Insomnia mania |
Sky Urchin | Crowns the Speed Queen |
Skyline Sounds | Color |
Skunk Fume | FrozenGrapeJuiceMachoLipstick |
Spires That In The Sunset Rise | Beasts in the Garden |
Stephanie Rearick | Every Thing Everything |
Sunspot | Weirdest Hits |
Take the King | Take the King |
Tarapaulin | Homesick EP |
Teddy Davenport | Middle of a Miracle |
The Anderson Brothers | Saints Don’t Sell |
The Civil Engineers | Save the Bridge (Under Construction) EP |
The Drain | End of the Drive |
The Family Business | Balls Pricey |
The Hussy | Galore |
The Mascot Theory | Esperanto EP |
The Minotaurs | Secret Deals |
The New Baldones | The Last Bookstore |
The Schlosser-Kammer Project | Our Thing May Not Be Your Thing |
Tight Tiger | Tight Tiger EP |
Time is Relative | Queen EP |
Toothtaker | Toothtaker Volume 2 |
Trap Saturn | Duality |
Trapo | The Black Beverly Hills EP |
Trophy Dad | Shirtless Algebra Fridays |
Tyranny is Tyranny | The Rise of Disaster Capitalism |
Ultrea | Forever Ascending |
Untamed | Untamed EP |
Various Artists | Local Love Fest 5 |
Various Artists | Mesmerized in Madison |
Various Artists | rbandmembers |
Venus in Furs | Just Try it On |
VO5 | Dance Originality |
We Are the Wild Things | All at Once |
Wheelhouse | Meanwhile Back at the Ranch |
Whiskey Farm | Book of Matches |
Wizard Magic | Demos |
Wood Chikens | Live at Karl’s Kastle |
ZE | x ^ |
Zebras | The City of Sun |
December 15, 2015 at 1:55 pmRick Tvedt
December 18, 2015 at 8:53 pm