“Leave Lyndsay Alone!!”

“Leave Lyndsay Alone!!”

Well, good thing Lyndsay Lohan is in jail and Roman Polanski and Bin Laden are free. That bad-ass no-good convict Martha Stewert has nothing on her, either. I hope when I go to court, that someone sprays confetti (or something non-liquid) on me. We are a stupid society, no? BP screws generations to come and helps the Lockerbie Bomber get out of prison early because it was affecting their business in Lybia, a war still going on, people painting Hitler stashes on politicians, and we’re worried about a silly actress and her pot-smoking friend, Paris, who are worthless to society and sucking up air I should be breathing for my two under-payed jobs. I think there’s still room for those two in the BP well cap, along with Glenn Beck.  Like who you want (as entertainers, at best, as in his case, not journalists), but he’s a dick!  I wish nothing bad on him, though, for he’s goingblind.

”The only [Katrina victims] we’re seeing on television are the scumbags.”
Sept 9, 2005

The point is, hasn’t he always been blind?  Your witness, honorable Mr.(or Ms.) KARMA. Really, Mel Gibson could write better that that.

I guess if we heed hate, we breed hate. I have to learn to shun thosedick-weeds out of my life. 

Now, on with the reason why I’m writing, because I need to be ready to bidon the embalming tools used on Elvis.(Not kidding)(Well, I’m notbidding…That’s for rich folk like Rush who pay no income taxes…How does that work?)

Upcoming Jimmys Gigs:

We have only one gig this weekend at Mulligans Irish Pub and Grille in Oregon, WI. We play from 6-10pm on Saturday, July 24, but there will be all sorts of stuff going on all day for their Annual Summer Party: Beers, the Oregon Tuggers Tug-O-War fundraiser and beers to name a few.

I, along with Johnny Wartenwieler,(bass-player from The Jimmys) will be at The Hody on Thursday, July 22 9pm with the incomparable West Side Andy/Mel Ford Band. Hope the summer brings fun with family and friends, and remember, spade or neuter stupid talk show hosts, we don’t want dumb roaming the streets!

Love and Peace,


← Yea…Errr…No? Mel Gibson, the Barefoot Bandit and BP →

About the author

Jimmy Voegeli

Jimmy Voegeli is a well renown talent from the Madison area. He has a long list of awards with his name, including the 2010 and 2012 Madison Area Music Award for Keyboardist of the Year and the Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI) 2011 Keyboardist of the Year. He is the band leader for The Jimmys, a "Who's Who" of monster musicians who tour and perform his original music.

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