New Normals
We all have experienced dramatic shifts in what is considered normal. Even though it’s fair to say that the concept of normal is an illusion, it does seem as though we’ve had a series of game-changers ever since 9/11. No one is immune; least of all me. I thought I’d dedicate this not only to new normals, but to new beginnings; and at my age the new beginnings are numbered.
You may have noticed that the articles and reviews at Local Sounds Magazine have dried up as of late. There’s good reason for it as one might suspect. How does one cope with life-changing events other than to crawl into a shell from a darkened world and wait for the sun to reappear? My apologies to all those who have sent me items to review recently and especially this year. We all thought nothing could be worse than 2020, but Christ, 2021 is turning out to be a doozy. I am actually starting to crawl back out into the light, however, and expect to be fully emerged before long. A little more stiff, a little more creaky, but feeling like I might safely dive back in.
Let’s face it, the last five years have been a surreal hell, especially if you possess any kind of empathy toward the human race and the planet. But the pandemic hurtled all of us deep into the mid-plot of some strange science fiction novel. It feels like we are going to witness the extinction of the human race yet in our lifetimes now and if that’s not a game-changer then I don’t know what is. Now, I’m not a complete defeatist but the behavior of a large portion of Americans over the last five years has led me to the conclusion that the human race doesn’t deserve to survive. Still, I hold out hope. And for that – and until the planet shakes us off like a bunch of pesky fleas – I will do my best.
I see all of you doing your best, too. People making a living in the arts were especially hard hit. Not only that, but many of you supplement your art with jobs in the service industry, another group hit particularly hard. I see you emerging now, trying to get out there, trying to return. Reviving the human spirit with your own that is indomitable. I salute you. We’ve come one step forward, let’s hope we don’t take two back. ‘Cause it sure feels like there is a precipice only a short distance behind. I see closed down venues, too. It’s heartbreaking but every disaster breeds new opportunity. Who will step up? Who will bravely maintain?
For the last sixteen months I’ve dealt with the family matters we all must face. Both of my parents passed away in the first half of 2021 after suffering painful separations and isolation in a nursing home and in hositals that they absolutely did not deserve. These events coincided almost exactly with the onset of the pandemic. If you’ve ever been in an assisted death situation you understand the trauma. Two in a row is, well, double. I don’t say this for pity’s sake, I say it now because I need to express that I’m still with you. I’ll still be there to help out, whatever I can. I have to do this because to me the meaning of life lies in helping each other. It’s a simple concept yet so many seem pulled so far from it. Whether it’s re-birthing the Music Association or helping artists get the attention they deserve but rarely get, I’ll do my part. Because I see you doing yours.