Clyde Stubblefield to Be Honored This Saturday at Atwoodfest
Madison continues to pay tribute to the late Clyde Stubblefield this Saturday, July 29th at Atwoodfest. You’ll want to be on hand when a special presentation is made during the Clyde Stubblefield All-Star Tribute set scheduled for 8:15 in Monty’s parking lot.
The current Harmony Bar stage will officially get an additional branding as the Clyde Stubblefield Stage, an honor that may become permanent and will carry forward as long as there is an Atwood Avenue on which to celebrate.
Additionally, a special plaque and photo portrait will be presented to the city, to the Barrymore Theater to be housed in their lobby alongside a similar tribute to Luther Allison. This is a special memorial that all future concert-goers can appreciate for a long time to come.
Monday, July 24th saw the last “Funky Monday” show at the High Noon Saloon. Although it’s the end of Monday’s traditional hold on the music of the great drummer, Friday is now set to assume control. Funky Fridays will begin on August 25th, also at the High Noon, running 6-8 pm.
The MAMA Clyde Stubblefield Scholarship Fund continues to gain ground and volunteers will be on hand at Atwoodfest to take donations and to sell merchandise that helps support the drive to endowment. The scholarship benefits higher education students with a concentration in music. The MAMA Clyde Stubblefield Scholarship Fund made its first award to Ben Lokuta at this year’s MAMA Awards program. It was a special moment as Lokuta, a 4.0 student and drummer for the highly-praised band Distant Cuzins, had no knowledge that he was to receive the award and the distinction of being the fund’s first recipient. Those who cannot attend the Atwoodfest celebration but wish to contribute to the scholarship fund can do so be going here.