Madison Music Collective Hiring for Another Paid Position

Recent News 22 Dec 2013

mmc-logoMadison Music Collective Hiring for Another Paid Position

Contact: Howard Landsman

The Madison Music Collective released this press release in search of Person to lead venue development:

Dear Madison Music Collective Members and Friends — Having recently filled its first two positions (hiring Nick Moran and Susan Fox), the Greater Madison Jazz Consortium (of which the Music Collective is a founding partner) is now recruiting for two additional part-time Program Coordinator positions: “Program Coordinator for Venue Development” and “K-8 Guest Artist Program Coordinator.”
The Venue Development Coordinator will lead the Jazz Consortium’s effort to expand the array of good-paying performance opportunities for working jazz musicians in the Greater Madison area, while the K-8 Guest Artist position will work with school music teachers to bring working jazz musicians into local elementary and middle schools to enhance music instruction.
The application deadlines are Sunday, 12/29/13 for the Venue Development position, and Tuesday, 1/21/14 for the K-8 Guest Artist position.  Descriptions and application instructions for these positions are now available in two separate posts on the Consortium’s website, at  (The Venue position is the 12/6/13 post, and the Guest Artist position is the 12/18/13 post.) 
If you’d like to help strengthen our local jazz community and make money while doing it, and if you feel you meet the qualifications, please consider applying for one or both of these positions.  Or if you know anyone who might be a good fit, please forward this message to them.  And if you have any questions about either position, please contact me at
Thanks much.
Howard Landsman
Madison Music Collective Rep to the Greater Madison Jazz Consortium Board
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About the author

Rick Tvedt

Rick is publisher of Local Sounds Magazine, formerly Rick's Cafe, Wisconsin's Regional Music Newspaper. He is also the Executive Director for MAMA, Inc., a non-profit organization that produces the Madison Area Music Awards and raises funds to promote youth music programs.

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