2013 Local Music EP and Album Releases
Artist | Title |
4 Aspirin Morning | Ca$h Poor, Liquor Rich |
Aaron Williams and the Hoodoo | Live Loud Harmony |
Amanda Poulson | Finding Wonderland |
Annabel Lee | Starstruck |
Anthony Lamarr | Jump Start the Soul EP |
Aquarelle | August Undone |
Art Paul Schlosser | I Bet You’ve Got a Smile |
Art Paul Schlosser | Live on the Snake 2 |
Beaver Skull | ? |
Bell Monks / SK Pierce | A Better Light |
Ben Doran and Friends | Ceol an Chroi/Music of the Heart |
Ben Z & Dejection | Liquid Reflections |
Bird’s Eye | Bird’s Eye |
Brain Grimmer | (Sketches) Beats EP 2 |
Brothers Grimm | This is Not Shakespear’s Macbeth |
Brothers Grimm and db pedersen | A Midsummer’s Night Dream |
Building on Buildings | Building on Buildings |
Butterfly Valve | Conoco |
Catch Kid | Last Good Shot |
Cell1 | You’ll Go Blind |
Chants | Don’t Miss U EP |
Chants | I Feel Like I Feel It |
Chaos Revolution Theory | Against the Grain |
Colorphase | Phase II |
Conscious Object | Sourcery |
Cowboy Winter | Magic or Tragic |
Crash the Lights | Citizen |
Dan Kennedy | Seems Like Forever |
Denise jackson | Me and Candace |
Dietrich Gosser | Oh, to Begin! |
D.L.O. the Iceman | The Dusties |
Duke Daeo | Thieves to Thrones |
Earl Foss and the Brown Derby | I’ll Take the Blame |
Evan Murdock & the Imperfect Strangers | Feel Bad No More |
Evan Riley Band | Release |
Gabe Burdulis | The Land of make Believe |
Gabe J. Pope | Four Track Mind |
Graminy | Germinations: A Bluegrass Symphony in D |
Granny Tranny Techno | Blow Me (Away) |
Greg Thornburg | Kaleidoscope |
Haliwel | From the Inside |
Harmonious Wail | Bohemian Tango |
I Am Dragon | The Lucky Ones |
Ida Jo | For Better for Worse |
Intellescope | Space Echo |
Jex Thoth | Blood Moon Rise |
Joe Sokolinsky | Variations on “I Feel Fine” |
Joey Broyles | Joey Broyles EP |
Kevin Reid | River of Light |
Kicksville | The Singles Season 5 |
Krause Family Band | Just a Few |
Kyle Henderson | Brand New Day |
Land of Vandals | Sing Us Offshore |
Lark Remy | Host |
Lens | Oniricist Dubs |
Lights.on | Apotheosis |
Little Legend | No Way to Tell EP |
litmus0001 | Living the Second-Past of the Future Space-Power |
Livewire | Livewire |
Lonesome Wyatt | Halloween is Here |
Lords of the Trident | Plan of Attack |
Lorieanna | Adaptation |
Mad Genius | 2012: A Year in Your Ear |
Madden | Tumblrwav |
Maffa Rico | Maffa Rico EP |
Mark Croft | Live At Shake Rag Alley |
Marty Finkel | It’s Alright Now EP |
Marty Finkel | Might Be Found |
Michael BB | Guided Tour |
Michael BB | You’re Dippin’ |
Michael BB | Popular Culture |
Midas Bison | Wavey Daze |
Milkhouse Radio | Milkhouse Radio |
Mike Massey | Dracula: A Rock Ballet |
Mojo Radio | Rise |
Nate Karls | Life Skills |
Natty Nation | Live 2012-06-23 – UW Terrace, Madison, WI |
Nellie Wilson and the Hellbound Honeys | Not This Time |
Nester | Gata Galactica |
New Baldones | Ornate Fiction |
New People | Might Get it Right |
No Name Stringband | No Name Stringband |
Nude Human | Blind? |
Null Device | Perihelion |
Old Farm Dog | Old Farm Dog |
Panther | Ride the Ice |
Paul Otteson and Faux Fawn | Prairie du Chien |
Paul Stiegler | Days Gone By |
Perfect Harmony Mens Chorus | Heartland |
Pioneer | Black Pasture |
Pushmi-Pullyu | Never Love a Stranger |
Pyroklast | The Madness Confounds |
Qwik Wittz | About Time |
Red Rose | No Place Like Snow |
RIP | Sellout |
Romero | Take the Potion |
Sarah Longfield | Oneiric |
Second Family Band | Family Album |
Sensuous Enemy | Voyager |
Sexy Ester | Monomania |
Sigourney Weavers | Sigourney Weavers |
Silas Be | Absolute Window |
Sincere Life | Three Kings |
Sir No Sir! | Combating the Carnival |
Sky Road Fly | Head Out of Your Mind |
Steez | Stereovision |
Stephanie Rearick | Dreamworld |
Sunny Jenkins | Eclipse |
Sunspot | Arturiana |
The Causticles | Eric Gottesman |
The Cliffs of Insanity | No Wonder |
The Disclosures | The Secret of Being Rich |
The Dang Its | Lick of Sense |
The Drain | At the Door |
The Earthlings | Tide |
The Family Business | Rock and Roll Machine |
The Flavor That Kills | Stream EP |
The Frenetic | The Frenetic |
The Hussy | Way With Words EP |
The Hussy | Pagan Hiss |
The Jimmys | Live |
The Moguls | 30 Helens Agree EP |
The Rotation | The Rotation |
The Sharrows | Starting at the End |
tl;dr | …Is Everything You Arae |
Trin Tran | Dark radar |
Tyranny is Tyranny | Let it Come From Whom it May |
Us, Today / Lovely Socialite | Us, Today / Lovely Socialite Split |
Vanishing Kids | Spirit Visions |
Various Artists | Controlled Chaos |
Various Artists | Smilin’ On |
Various Artists | Blank Shot Vol. II |
Various Artists | Lost City Music Festival 2013 Compilation |
Various Artists | COLIAS 1 |
Various Artists | Launchpad 2013 |
Venice Gas House Trolley | Midnight’s Break |
Watercourse Quartet | Moonish Lodestar |
Wheelhouse | The Comeback |
Whiskey Farm | From the Still |
William z Villain | William z Villain EP |
Wrenclaw | Wrenclaw |
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