Happy Spring, Mr. Short Stuff

Punxsutawney-PhilHappy Spring, Mr. Short Stuff


Happy Spring everyone, it’s 10 degrees Fahrenheit with boat-load of snow and I’m puttin’ a hit out for “Puttin the Punk in Punxsutawney Phil” Who’s with me? Over grown rat.

I thought the world was coming together nicely, what with Dennis Rodman clearing things up with Mr. Short-Stuff in North Korea, and The Catholic Churches’ version of the NFL draft finding a new Offensive Coordinator and all.
But then you read stuff like, “Man shoots finger, trying to remove wedding ring”  and then all bets are off that our civilization is on a positive turnaround. I mean even after the 10-year anniversary of the Iraq War, with thousands killed, more maimed, trillions of dollars spent, and poor ole BP is barely pulling in billions in profits. If gas prices are still near $4, then what the hell did we go there for in the first place? (I’m hoping you sense my sarcasm, if not, then you’re probably also insulted by Family Guy or Homer Simpson for being “to close to home”). Mission Accomplished
Here’s a mission, we are playing some great clubs, and booking fabulous festivals for this year, so grab your newly purchased Groundhog Skin Cap and come see some live music! We have recently been nominated in four categories for The WAMI’s (Wisconsin area Music Industry Awards);
Blues Band of the Year
Drummer of the Year- Mauro
Guitarist of the Year- Perry
Keyboardist of the Year- Janitor Jim
Check out our schedule, we will be at a new club for us in Chicago called Untitled on April 6!!!
Look for the release of our music video we did recently for the song “Hell or Heaven” that we shot in a church featuring Dan Baird (Georgia Satellites) and Warner Hodges (Jason and the Scorchers) (no musicians were struck by lightning in the shooting of this video) Here’s a free download of the song!
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About the author

Jimmy Voegeli

Jimmy Voegeli is a well renown talent from the Madison area. He has a long list of awards with his name, including the 2010 and 2012 Madison Area Music Award for Keyboardist of the Year and the Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI) 2011 Keyboardist of the Year. He is the band leader for The Jimmys, a "Who's Who" of monster musicians who tour and perform his original music.

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