When the Gothsicles (the boyfriend / girlfriend duo of DarkNES and EYG) moved from Madison to Chicago last year to put their college degrees to use, Madison’s music scene gained a lot more sanity. Although EYG still occasionally returns to Madison to DJ at the Inferno, the Gothsicles’ amusing live shows have occurred much less frequently. They returned to the Inferno on Saturday, March 28th on the second stop of a tour promoting their new CD, Sega Lugosi’s Dead, and here is how a typically chaotic Gothsicles show unfolded.
The show kicked off with some hilarious non sequitur video playing in the background that culminated in a newscaster stating that the trifecta of sex, drugs, and rock and roll should add a fourth element: video games. The crowd that braved the snowy weather cheered and DarkNES, sporting his usual Nintendo NES controller belt buckle and Nintendo Power Glove on his right hand like an 80’s Michael Jackson that had been assimilated by the Borg, entered berserker mode.
Technical difficulties threatened to put an early stop to the

background imagery, but disaster was averted when the sound engineer realized that their laptop power cord had become disengaged and remedied it. And it was a good thing they didn’t have computer issues, as their video collages are part of what makes a Gothsicles show amusing (the other part is DarkNES jolting around in a frenzy and occasionally writhing on the floor around EYG’s legs, although in recent shows he’s ceased running through the audience and randomly headbutting people in the chest). Scenes from classic eight-bit video games like Contra and River City Ransom streamed in the background, along with other various footage that may or may not be related to the lyrics that were being screamed at the moment. For a track that DarkNES swore was about the Inferno, there was a collage of doctored images of the Roxbury guys from Saturday Night Live. Clips of domesticated goat herds falling over in fright was looped during a song that was probably not about goats.
The Gothsicles have a propensity to turn the stage into a party by summoning the bands they perform with to assist them. Tourmates Matt from Caustic and Nikki from Prometheus Burning joined them for a song called “Baaaaaaaalls” (complemented by classic Internet video of a Japanese girl impressed by a raccoon’s huge pair of them), and opening ac DefCon helped them get through their anti-daylight song “Eff The Sun.”
A message on DarkNES’s Twitter feed the next day succinctly stated, “Already smashed some keyboard keys… oops.” Not completely surprising, as the keyboard that EYG was fingering unwillingly became a keytar when DarkNES got his hands it a couple of times. With any luck they’ll find a way to repair those particular keys soon as they have ten more cities to go on a two-week tour that takes them to the East Coast and back.